
One Year.

Today is the one year birthday of Be Still and Know!

As I began embracing simplicity, choosing to take on this endeavor created a bit of a paradox – was adding this blog to my life something that would be enriching or would it become another task to clutter my thoughts and take time away from my family?

kidsI’m happy with the balance I’ve found. Writing a personal blog is a wonderful way for me to express my thoughts and feelings.  I often use the exercise of writing to help process how I’m feeling and bring clarity to my thoughts.  However, I haven’t let this blog become a source of anxiety by pressuring myself to write a certain amount of content each month.  In hindsight, I was much more prolific in the spring when the blog was new and I had so much built up material from my awakening.  Whereas in the busy fall months, I didn’t write as often when family, work, and church activities required more time and attention.  This is the balance I need to strike to keep this blog as a positive, joyful aspect of my life.

So, to recap the first year of Be Still and Know, I want to highlight my favorite post per month (okay, March has two because I couldn’t choose just one).  I hope you enjoy strolling down memory lane with me!

February – “Welcome to Be Still and Know!” dennis and me

March – “Why I’m Lutheran” and “Sentimentality and Truth”

April – “The Struggle Switch”

May – “Don’t Make it Law”

June – “Lost and Found”

July – “Cherishing the Highs and Accepting the Lows”clouds

August – “The Happiness Trap: Expansion”

September – “Be Perfect”

October – “50 Days”

November – “A Week of Family Fun and Milestones”

December – “Christmas on the Prado”

January – “Me and My Dad”

Thank you for your support and encouragement over the past year, and most of all, thank you for reading.

Love, Kelsey

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